ODA TV: “Another trans has died”

A trans woman who climbed on the railings of the Bosphorus Bridge has jumped to her death despite efforts by the police.

Source: “Bir trans daha öldü” (“Another trans has died”). Oda TV, 5 January 2015, http://odatv.com/n.php?n=bir-trans-daha-oldu-0501151200

Police began efforts to talk down Eylül Cansın, a 22 year old trans individual who wanted to let herself go off of the bridge. A boat belonging to the maritime police was also mobilized to take safety precautions in the area. Cansın, who could not be convinced by the police officers, soon let herself go off of the bridge and was pronounced dead at the scene.

She shared her last message on Facebook

Cansın shared a video on Facebook hours before her suicide:

“I could not. I could not because people did not allow me. I could not work. I wanted to do something [worthwhile] but I could not. They interfered with me a lot. They victimized me a lot. I leave everyone to their own god.”

A message for her mother

Cansın left a message specifically to her mother and, crying, said,

“Mom, I have a very small dog at home. I know that you will take her in and that you will take good care of her. Mom, I entrust her to you. Please think of me whenever you look at her. Think of only me. And don’t give her away to any one.”



Having suicidal thoughts? Please, please stop long enough to read this. It will only take about five minutes: http://www.metanoia.org/suicide/

To the best of our knowledge, the online and IRL resources below will provide you with a safe and non-judgmental space.

IRC / Chatlines


Sexual Assault Resources

If you know of any other suicide resources where you live or work, please do let us know so that we can add them to our website. To contact us, email us at , or see https://lgbtinewsturkey.com/about/.




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